Best SSB Coaching Center In Agra

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What is the full meaning of SSB? SSB stands to represent service selection board. There are three types of military service. There are three types of military service: the Indian Air Force and Indian Territorial Army. This is the five-day consecutive selection process that recruitment officers from the Indian Armed Forces conduct. After the candidate passes the entrance exam with the required marks such as CDS, AFCAT etc., this process takes place. If you want crack NDA, SSB, CDS So Join Senaabhyas defence Academy This is Best SSB coaching In Agra . they will give best training And guidance And also Help you for complete your goal. defence is the best Future option for you If you want to do something for india.

What Is SSB ? And Best SSB Coaching Center In Agra 

The Service Selection Board is an organization that screens candidates for enrolment into the Indian Armed Forces. It is mandatory that every individual go through it. A standard protocol is used to assess the mental and physical health of each candidate. This protocol evaluates the personality, intelligence, and physical fitness of the candidate to become an officer. The panel includes a Psychologist and Interviewing Officer, as well as a Group Tasks Officer. Every day, there is a new challenge for a candidate and a new task. The one who completes all stages with the required marks is selected. Let's discuss the daily tasks and challenges.

Day 0

This is the reporting day for the service selection day. Once the candidate arrives at the organization, they will need to bring all relevant documents. The verification process continues. The officer briefs the candidate about the five-day work schedule and the tasks they will be performing. He/she also helps them to get used to the local environment. After verification, students are given their Chest Numbers to further identify themselves. These numbers must be kept intact by the student.

The day I (Stage-I, Screening Process)

The real selection process begins on Day 1. This stage/phase is known as the screening process. Candidates are invited to take the OIR test on this day. The OIR test, which is a MCQ-based reasoning test, contains about 50 questions from both verbal and nonverbal reasoning. The students are allowed to finish the questions in between 40 and 45 minutes. Based on the students' performance, the ranks are OIR I for highest rank and OUT 5, for lowest rank.

The afternoon or evening PPDT (Picture Perception & Discussion Test) begins. The test involves candidates being shown a black-and-white picture for 30 seconds. They then have to analyze it and create a story within the given time. Candidates are then divided into groups, and assigned an officer to each group. After each candidate has written their story, they must then tell it in front of an officer within one minute. The results will be available after both tests. Screening is done for those who pass with the required marks. Those who fail are sent home.

Day II (Stage II Psychology Test)

All candidates who have been screened are sent to day two for a psychological test. The test includes four tests: TAT (Thematic Apperception Test), WAT (Word Association Test), SRT [Situation Reaction Test] and SDT (Self-Description Test).

TAT - This is similar to the PPDT but there is no discussion. Candidates are given a clear picture for thirty seconds. They then have to create a story in the four remaining minutes. The last picture is left blank. 11 pictures are shown. The candidate must write the final story.

WAT – Here, the candidate is given 60 daily use words for 15 seconds each and asked to create a sentence using that word.

SRT – Here, a booklet with 60 questions is handed to the candidate. For those questions, he/she must answer in the next 30 min.

SDT - The last test requires candidates to give a brief description of themselves. The test has five questions.

Day III and IV (Stage II Group Test)

A GTO office assigns tasks to candidates on days 3 and 4. They are a mixture of solo and group tasks that the candidate must complete within the given time. These tasks require only basic mental and physical skills. An Interviewing Officer conducts an individual interview based on the completed PIQ form and general knowledge questions.

Day V (Stage II Conference)

A panel of officers conducts a formal conference with each candidate on the last day. The conference is a conversation between officers and candidates. It's a simple conversation in which the officers test/check the candidate's confidence, honesty and expression. Then, give the candidates appropriate marks based upon their performance.

The final result, which is based on the overall performance, will be announced. The results are announced based on the overall performance of the candidate. The rest of the candidates are then congratulated on their achievements and sent home.


SSB is short for Service Selection Board. It is an Indian Armed Forces organization that selects candidates for three armed forces wings. The five-day selection process includes OIR and PPDT tests as well as psychological tests, physical and mental fitness tests, and finally the interview and conference with officers. The candidates are then selected based on their overall performance.

tags - Best SSB coaching In Agra 


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